
Dealing with Perfectionism.

This is a constant struggle. I’ve always had the personality where everything in my life needs to be “picture perfect.” Which is silly, because nothing in life is perfect! Once I became a mom, it got even worse. I hold myself to this high standard and this is my vision: the dishes need be constantly washed & put away, the sink needs to be empty, the laundry needs to folded & put away, the toys need to put away, and the dogs need to be followed around by vacuum so they never leave their hair anywhere. These are the thoughts I think, yet they are SO not reality nor realistic. I am learning that we LIVE in our house. Therefore, the sink will always have something in it, the laundry is never ending and on a good day it all gets folded (not put away), Brooke plays with her toys, so they are everywhere throughout the house, and our dogs, well they are dogs! There is going to be hair.

I have learned to not let daily living bother me AS MUCH. The dishes I wash as we go, the dishwasher gets loaded and run at night. The toys get put away at the end of the day once Brooke goes to bed (another trick I have learned is to only put 3-5 toys out and swap them out weekly, this helps with the clutter & then Brooke gets excited because it seems “new”). When it comes to dog hair—well this is one that still bugs me, but we just vacuum when we can.

My point to this post is this: don’t let social media and perfectionism get in the way of enjoying the life around you. Having everything in order and clean 24/7 is impossible. If you have mastered this, please send me an email and tell me how, but I can almost guarantee that I will receive no emails from anyone.

Being present over living a life of perfection is my goal. Do I still struggle with this? Absolutely. It’s a constant journey. So for all you out there that have an area in your life you put too much pressure on yourself for, chill. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Pick one area where you start to “let go” of a little and keep adding from there. Enjoy the life around you. Life is too short and precious not too!

Much love, Kiersten.

