Body After Baby
If you’ve had a baby, you know your body will never be the same as it was. For me personally, I LOVED being pregnant and never felt more confident about my body than when I was pregnant. To some that might seem weird, maybe even the opposite. That’s ok. We are all different.
I have always been considered “small.” It’s my genetics. I also choose to live a health lifestyle, but it’s mostly genetics. I have always had a hard time GAINING weight. I have learned to love my body and the fact that I am small, regardless of the comments people make. With that being said, that made post-baby body really hard. It’s still a work in progress.
I was happy pregnant because I finally was able to gain weight. I put on 45 pounds with being pregnant and loved every pound of it. So now, 8+ months after baby, I have lost all that weight and more. I actually struggle to keep up a good weight. I am smaller than I was before I was pregnant, and that has not been easy. Am I healthy? Yes. Do I eat? Yes!!! Am I 100% confident in my body? No. Am I making progress and trying? Yes.
It’s a work in progress, but our bodies as women are incredible. To be able to grow a human inside us, and then have our bodies naturally go back is mind blowing to me. Whether you struggle with not gaining weight or gaining too much weight, they are both hard. Be kind to yourself. Be true to yourself. Take baby steps and never forget how AMAZING your body is! You gave life to a tiny human being. Don’t forget what your body is capable of and how it brought that little miracle of yours into your life.

Much love, Kiersten