Food Inspirational

Just For Fun.

My husband and I got an Espresso Machine (we bought the Nespresso Essenza Mini) for Christmas this year. We are both obsessed! These days with work, school, and momma life I can’t seem to get enough caffeine. Anyone else feel like they don’t have enough time in the day? Lately, I’ve been drinking more coffee than usual just to keep up with day to day tasks.

Anyway, Brooke turns 9 months this Saturday & I am NOT ready for it. Where did the time go? My baby is growing up way to fast. Makes you realize to appreciate each and every day you have. Babies and kids are such great reminders for that. Some days I feel like all I do is go through the motions of life, until Brooke does something new. It’s in those moments that I try to pause & soak it up. Every day is so precious and I totally take some of those days for granted.

There are moments in my day, and I’m sure yours as well, where you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or wishing the day to be over before it even begins. Just try to remember in these moments to stop, breathe, & give yourself grace. I personally have the tendency to stress over the unknown. I wouldn’t say I worry, I just don’t like to not have a plan for the future. Whatever you may be going through in life, try to remember life is beautiful & to be in the moment as much as you can. Our society makes us feel like we need to “go go go” 24/7. So, today take a moment to be in silence. Take a moment to yourself (even if that means you go to your car or the bathroom at work on a quick break). Don’t forget to be present. I promise it will make your day more enjoyable.

Much love, Kiersten

P.S. If you’re an avid coffee drinker like me and enjoy new mugs, I’m linking my all time favorite glass coffee mugs. They are on a major sale (comes in a pack of six) & we absolutely love them!! Treat yourself & enjoy the little things!

I also linked our espresso machine! It’s amazing & a nice small size for your counter 🙂

Anchor Hocking Café Glass Coffee Mugs, 16 oz (Set of 6)

Nespresso Essenza Mini Original Espresso Machine by Breville, Piano Black

