Do you ever feel like you go through phases in life where you feel you’re just waiting for something? Then when that “something” happens, you enjoy it, yet quickly move onto the next thing or …
My husband and I got an Espresso Machine (we bought the Nespresso Essenza Mini) for Christmas this year. We are both obsessed! These days with work, school, and momma life I can’t seem to get …
This post is much different from most my posts so if you aren’t up for something “out of the box” that is OK 🙂 I left church on Sunday with a lot of different thoughts …
This is a constant struggle. I’ve always had the personality where everything in my life needs to be “picture perfect.” Which is silly, because nothing in life is perfect! Once I became a mom, it …
I have to be completely honest, when I started my blog and posted it publicly I was SO nervous. Feelings of anxiety (which I NEVER get) started to creep in. I compared myself to all …