Blogging Mom Life

Fun & Easy Halloween Craft for Kids // Witches Brew

Looking for a fun and simple craft for your kiddos and/or toddlers at home? This Witches Brew is so fun and can easily be customized to your preference.

What You Will Need:

-1/2 Cup of Cornstarch

-1/2 Cup Dishsoap

-2 Cups Water

-Green Food Coloring

-A Bowl (if you have a black caldron bowl for Halloween that would make it fun, but any bowl works!)

-Hand Mixer or Baking Mixer

-Fun Halloween Toys (plastic spiders, ghosts, Halloween themed cookie cutters, worms, eye balls, etc.)

What To Do:

Mix cornstarch, dishsoap, and water on medium/high speed in a big bowl. Once mixed, add in the green food color and mix some more. The mixture should be a light foam feel. Toss in the items and let your kids have fun searching in the bowl for them. That’s it!

**FYI, after about 10 minutes the mixture starts to not be so “fluffy” but that’s about how long my kids lasted with it anyway 😉

Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram doing this with your kiddos! @kiersten.linnea

Much Love,


